Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Between Dreams & Reality

I've been told by someone before that those who live in dreams were people who weren't happy with reality. These words triggered in my mind and made me look around me to examine whether it was true. I couldn't find an answer but I did think that...
People who enjoyed life wouldn't be found near computer games or fantasy related topics. They would be more into documentaries, news, or things that go on in the real world and what they consider to be worthwhile. Those living in a fantasy tend to block their interest of reality.

I am like that. I dream my days away into creating an unknown fantasy habit I've picked from the endless games I played and how they changed the way I look at life. Later I started wanting this dream to become true. I wanted it to exist.

What would one think of it?... Useless?...
I was a bit let down when someone walked up to me once and saw me working on an artwork he said was useless. He asked how living in a world of my dreams would help me in real life and told me to wake up. So I started thinking of how I could make him see that being an artist or taking interest in fantasy illustrations is not useless... but I couldn't find an argument that would be convincing... it is merely a hobby... something I like doing... how I could make use of it can be listed in many ways...
Only some people may not realize the value of art as much as I or any other artist would... they would ask what IS it's value?...
What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Living with an artist I can understand what you are talking about. She awakes early and paints/creates something daily. She not only views her art as her passion she looks her art as any person that got up and went to work. When she goes even a few days without creating something ... she becomes miserable and is hard to live with!

Solidus said...

I don't think that being an artist or a gamer is anything close to sadness.. No! I think over doing it is..! When a person doesn't have a social life because of gaming or art, then I am very sure that it will effect him in the worst ways ever..

Hobby is different than a life style, some people play games 17 hours a day and call it a hobby, I call it "Must see doctor" lol

TripleTee said...

heyz Jack: I'm more of the type who sees those amazing works online and on TV and am determined to do the same and maybe better one day. In order to do what they're able to do... sitting in front of the computer for ages is essential to create what they create. and then playing games and watching graphical movies. I spend a lot of time doing these to get an idea of how those designers do it. To be told that after all this it's all a waste of time was killing. a waste of time for those who watch for intertainment... I do it to learn more than anything... and yeah,.. I understand the artist u're living with :p...

Solidus:... I got my friends :p... and I am social I can assure you... and I payed games for 3 days in a row non-stop one time... :p... and I watch movies for even more... :p... I need a doc u think? lol... oh... I also wrote in my book for over a month (non-stop)... so yeah...I spend a lot of time on these things... and am happy when I get a result :p...
u can imagine how upsetting it is when others told me it was useless... I enjoy doing these things... now I stopped cuz of uni starting... after that I assure you I'll spend even more time developing this :p...lol...

Rukia said...

hmm looks like most of the new gnration are dreamers ! nice ideas..

TripleTee said...

^^is it bad? :p...lol... welcome 4ran...