Thursday, February 26, 2009

Started Maya

So I started one of my intended practices... I wanted to start modeling and started reading tutorials on Maya. Since I have Maya 8 I downloaded and ebook on all references related to it. Let's just say the guy made it sound so easy... I never thought I'd be able to model in Maya but I guess this raised my confidence a are some results.

Just the beginning I guess... hopefully I'll show you better models in the future.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe this is your first attempt. Good job. Mine was only a sphere.

Waiting for the "better models"

TripleTee said...

aww,, thanks snooky, that's motivating :D

Anonymous said...

yayy looking forward to it <3

Fast_HacKinG said...

Great to see you starting into the 3D modeling area. I'm full with eagerness to see your upcoming models ;)

TripleTee said...

thanks's gonna take me a while to move to the next stage since uni is taking most of my time... I'll post my next model as soon's i get it done.