So apparently I hear luck does not exist. I'm curious to hear people's opinions on this. There was a discussion in the girl's dorm on whether there was such a thing as luck or not. I was completely with the fact that a person could get lucky and a friend retaliated with the fact that whatever happens happens due to coincidence, not luck. It was a very confusing discussion. Then another suggested for the word luck to be defined and I defined it as.
*Something good that happens that does not usually happen or that has a small chance of happening*
So what about the lottery? If I won a car tomorrow... I'd be considered lucky... others did not agree... they said it was coincidence... not luck. Because if a person bought 10 tickets and another bought 1 it's not necessary that the one who got 10 would win. He just has a higher chance of winning. I did not understand how that statement negates the existence of luck exactly. Cuz to me the person who gets the ticket in the end is the one who got lucky no matter how many tickets he bought.
I got torn in between and wasn't able to decide yesterday though.
However, I decided today that I still believe in luck. I believe luck exists because I am not the only one living on earth. There are other people as well. Which means I do not have power over everything... and the things I don't have power over... could either go with or against me according to how lucky I would get. (which means how many things would go with or against me) Luck does not label a person as a fortunate or unfortunate fellow. It's not a supernatural power... it's merely the definition above. And to me, the definition above DOES exist. If something good happens to you that does not usually happen it means you got lucky.
I believe yesterday's confusion was due to the wrong definition or interpretation of luck.
So I'll just agree to disagree.
What do you think?
I remember we had a similar discussion in our Islamic lecture back in high school. Our teacher said it is not right to say "luck" when something good happens.
He said that whatever happens, happens by the will of Allah (God) and he is not lucky since he can do whatever he wants and we should just be grateful to him if anything good happens.
I kind of believe in luck even after the discussion we had with our Islamic teacher...
I think we feel "lucky" and say it is luck because we rarely have good times, good things or good happenings.
But that is just my opinion. =)
...i don't think luck is a feeling XD... lol...
but thanks for your input :)
I guess it can be both coincidnece and luck. I mean, when something happens with no plans and input from your side, then it is a coincidence. Now this coincidnece can either be good or bad. If it is good coincidence then it is defined as lucky coincidence. That's what I think of it
I agree... pretty much what I had in mind.
What a great resource!
Basically what people are saying is the reason 'Luck' does not exist is because it is considered to be very sinful act which is called 'Shirk'. Now if you were to believe in luck what you are saying as a muslim girl/boy is that whatever good has happened in your life has absolutely nothing to do with Allah? Allah wasn't the reason you have good fortunes? In my opinion Luck does not mean shit. Its all up to Allah. Read up on shirk it will change your mind about so called luck. It has for me.
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