Some might think I bought this cat for a very high price. But she was actually quite cheap... in fact she costed me nothing since she followed me into the house as a little kitten on her own accord when I was around 12 years old. ... from the street? Yes... she's been vaccinated, and ever since accepted as part of the family :p... I called her "Shadow"... everyone else called her My Shadow cuz she had the habit of following me around everywhere... I found that quite amusing though...
Well now that I'm 18 it's been around 6 years... I haven't always been fond of animals , however, this one proved worthy since she developed a character unlike any cat I've seen...
True she's just a cat, but one I grew up with...
Well....what to say....she grows prettier and more arrogant by the day :p... as most cats I guess... though cats are described as loners, Shadow is one who always likes company... She hates to see anyone fight and would attack the one who starts it.... is aggressive to strangers and a very wild cat who likes playing a lot... even in her recent age...
Some pics taken a few years back:

Don't let cute looks fool you... why?

That's why...
So yeah.... as my friends know her... that's my Shadow!! :D :D.... A cat I'm more than happy to have!! A recent picture.... may've lost her cuteness... but I guess gained more beauty |
I have a cat too, it's named "Sharon"...it's about hmm 8years to 10years old.
Nice pics Tee!
Cute story behind 'em :) And atleast Shadow is one of the better names for cats out there...
x: grown old already eh?...they say the average age for cats is 12 yrs... but I know a few older ones... oh well... that's nice!...
AP:..thnx... I took that name from the genus book of records :p... was listed as the third best name for cats there :D...
the oldest cat in the world is about 24 years old. it's in usa i think..it walks very slow...i dont know if it's still alive or not.
oooow, the cat is so cute, i used to have one this summer, her name was sherry, she delivered a baby inside my room, as she lived inside my room only when im out, and i open her to the whole floor when im in, coz my mum didnt like her, so when she got a baby my mum said, she is defenately out of here :( so i gave her back after a month of the birth, the baby is named Whitey, she is a pure persian, both the mum and daughter, white colour, she was soooooo cute, but i wish she follows me everywhere, i used to take her out cruising sometimes :P
[x]...ooh... pretty old eh?
TA... welcome :p... wow... we got somethin in common then... my cat gave birth in my room just the same... but she gave birth to four kittens... 3 were really cute, one was a bit retarded... lack of oxygen.. was the last of them... they called him 'Dummy'...
oh well.. 2 died... (one that we gave away, and the other rat poisoning)... sad...
now they've all grown... I'll post their baby pics if i find them... oh well.. thnx for passin by :D
I only like the hairy lil kittens .. and I would prefer if it was out of the house. I am not a big fan of pets living indoors.
I agree with nabhan though!. Me don't keep them inside the house.
lol... aww... poor kittens...
we allow certain animals that're known to be clean :p... since cats are easy to be kept clean my parents didn't mind it...
but oh well, I understand those who don't like it...
ahem...like father like son...
Shadow is cute :) following you home is just sweet
hehe... thanx warda... nice to see u here...
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