I woke up so tired today even though I slept almost all day yesterday. In the morning on my way to the farm I slept in the car. After I reached the farm I slept for I don't know how many hours and I still felt tired when I woke up. After having lunch and playing cards with family and friends I had to go back to my dorm and there I slept till next morning... I woke up at 8:30 and went to uni. No one came to class... so I went to the library and I've been lazing around here ever since. I wanted to finish my assignments and look for books, I ended up finding books on graphics and hacking and took them instead... well... now I didn't even open these books that interest me... something's seriously wrong!!
I usually smile at girls who pass by but today I almost frowned or made no expression at all. A girl asked me to plug in her laptop for her and I just took the wire placed it in the socket and switched it on without a word.
I think I haven't spoken as much as 10 words today...
... so tired...
......I think it's the beginning of a fever.
Speaks for itself
2 years ago
I think this weather spreads out this Lazy fever..
guess what madame.. U R NOT ALONE ;)
LAZY with capital ba3ad!!!
It might be the weather or just u r in a bad mood
oh come on RD.... see, degoat's facing the same problem :p...
I'm lazy inzain, but it was never to that extent :os...
it's a feverrrr... or was a fever... now the fever's miraculously gone...
soo yyyeaah... damn the weather :p
OMG stay away from me,,, dont infect me!!!
whyy? why spoil the fun? :p...
come now RD it's just a fever :p... do you know that a fever is good for you?... it kills bacteria... maybe I should get a bit closer? lol
well thanx for your well mediavil wishes. you're supposed to say salamat ma tshoofee shar!! *shakes head*
Salamat Tee, ma teshoofi shar inshallah ^_^
RD: don't be jealous now *rolleyes*
Yea yeah, I'm the good man here :D
lol FH... :p y thanx :D...
I'm fine now.
LOL @ people not attending class, so it's like that everywhere in Oman :P
Salamat, I don't recall hearing anything about fevers giving you alot of sleep, all I know that you need to pay a visit to the bathroom every once in a while :P
you never heard it causes a person to be tired and I never heard bathroom's the solution... what planet're you from??...lol
well thanx solidus. :)
-__-;" ... Fever And Bathroom...
I Bet You're Better Now Tee.
So Hamdellah Ala El Salamah.
yeah I'm much better... thanx loads conj :D
It's eating you... slowly.
you don't say!
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