Your Blogging Type Is Thoughtful and Considerate | You're a well liked, though underrated, blogger. You have a heart of gold, and are likely to blog for a cause. You're a peaceful blogger - no drama for you! A good listener and friend, you tend to leave thoughtful comments for others. |
okayyyy..... that's what it said about me :os :os.... hmm... underrated...heart of gold? :os... there must've been an error somewhere....
no idea how true this is... but well... you can judge... |
Well, this analysis is like any Astrological ones...they use very general words that might fit on any one any person. I went through that blog personality thing, and It was hmm a big lie i would say, Whenever I tried to change my answer of a question given because I got confused I got a different blog personality...etc
right, I get it... so basically this is my general personality :p... generally speaking... lol... never mind, it may be true or not also based on what others make of it... but your statement is pretty much to the point... :)
Let me think of a general word that describe me hmmmm Human? ..
aren't you the smart one?... :)
aren't you the blogger one?
take a pill Nezi :os.. u need rest...
well at least most of the aspects are positive :p... so I don't mind... They barely mention negative things these fortunetellers... makes it too good to be true...
lol...Yes they start by telling one negative things and make him worried, then in the end they start telling him "BUT, Life for you will be very different and special, so much fortunes u will get" day he might even get broke or go to jail...and nothing of that happened.
lol... [x] here [x] there... you deserve a reward for all ur comments man :p... thanx :D
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