Friday, December 09, 2005


ok... I decided to experiment a little... this drawing took me around 20 mins...

The original... scanned, only I didn't exactly know how to take the scanning effect out ...oh well....

Used Threshold in photoshop for this one... well it looked interesting to me... reminded me of the comics i see in newspapers....

Inverted the colors and liked the outcome...

It was all practice... guess I've still much to learn...:p


Anonymous said...

That looks like me when I was freezing in my blog :|

TripleTee said...

which one... the guy or the rabbit? :p :p

SteLLa said...

nice drawing, but wts with the kursh(belly)? :p

Kamakazy said...

i like your style...

TripleTee said...

lol @ stella... I wanted him to look a bit comical... thanx 4 passin by...

kamakazy: thanks :D